Currently Reading

This was woefully out-of-date, so here’s a GIF of my fave Comic Book villain, Harley Quinn, until I get my act together 😛




Book Polygamist

11 thoughts on “Currently Reading

  1. ehm says:

    LOL, I was searching for “maps of fantasy worlds” and it led me to this site. Wonderful blog by the way ^^
    Anywayyyyyyy, just wanted to drop by…The books you’re reading now…well, I guess I’m gonna wait for your review in American Gods. I’ve been debating whether or not should I buy that book so I’m leaving this ridiculous decision to you LOLOLOL

    Oh oh oh. Have you read the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage? It’s good you know ^^


    • Hi ehm,

      Glad you like Book Polygamist and I’m happy that you found your way here even in a roundabout way 😛
      I’m taking my time with American Gods, but I think a review will be forthcoming in the not too distant future. For now I can let you know that It is a very good book if you are a fan of Neil Gaiman and/or mythology. Its quite the epic tale, but its worth the journey (or at least it has been for me so far :)).
      As for the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, I have not read them but I will certainly give them a looksie 🙂


  2. ehm says:

    LOL, sure sure ^^

    I’ve actually read two of Gaiman’s book. The Graveyard Book and the incredibly hilarious Good Omens ;))
    Gosh I’m excited xD
    Happy reading…bookpolygamist! LOL


  3. Hi, I found your blog because I was looking up comparisons between Jasper Jones and To Kill a Mockinbird. See, we’re studying Jasper Jones at school, and the teacher had us watch To Kill a Mockingbird and now we’re doing a project on the similarities between the two. I argued with the teacher because I’d read To Kill a Mockingbird a few months ago, and I told her that the two weren’t even as similar as everyone says they are. Barely similar plot lines, the character hardly resemble each other, and the language used is entirely different. *Deep breath.* I see that now you’re reading To Kill a Mockingbird, please tell me that people should stop comparing the two books? It’s driving me up the wall… 😦

    …Also, I do like your blog, and your style of writing. 😀 I just thought I’d say that 🙂 And I’ve heard great things about the Mortal Instruments series, so I hope you enjoy it. But my friend did say that she threw the latest book across the room because she didn’t like the ending. Mind you, it’s probably a great ending. She’s just in love with Jace to the point where it’s not healthy, I think. :3


    • Hey Taylah!

      I’m glad you stumbled across Book Polygamist and I’m also glad that you are reading one of my all time favourite books at school 🙂 Now that I’m reading To Kill A Mockingbird I understand why Jasper Jones has been compared to it as they explore similar themes (racism; small-town politics and they’re both coming-of-age stories) but I can also understand your frustration as they aren’t as similar as I expected from the hype. I think Craig Silvey is a fan of To Kill a Mockingbird and other Southern Gothic fiction (in fact I know he is since he has talked about it before) and so was influenced by the book, but he has created a unique story and comparing Jasper Jones to To Kill a Mockingbird is unfair to both novels. Your teacher probably just wants you to explore the similar themes the two books share and how Jasper Jones has been influenced by Lee’s story.

      Also I am enjoying the Mortal Instruments but have felt some frustration at the characters already so I can see how your friend could throw the book lol

      I hope you keep reading my blog and again thanks for visiting 🙂


  4. Catch 22 and Sandman, both giants in their respective literary fields, already I feel we are going to get on very well and possibly have some sort of virtual high five.


    • I hope we do too StetotheJ – maybe even a digital fist bump?

      I’ve been reading Catch 22 for a while now as each chapter or two needs a bit of a breather to reflect (ditto with Kraken, but for a very different reason) but I’m enjoying it. I use to read the one volume of the Sandman that my public library held (vol 3: Dream country) over and over when I was a kid (in retrospect I was probably a bit young to tackle such heavy themes, but oh well, I was already a weird kid so I don’t think it made much of a difference) and since I have started to devour Neil Gaiman’s other works these last couple of years I thought it would be a cracking idea to finally read The Sandman from start to finish. I read preludes and nocturnes yesterday arvo so it will soon be removed from this list, but I plan to read through all of The Sandman as part of my Comic Companions challenge.

      If you have any suggestions for other great Graphic Novels (I already read Watchmen and V for Vendetta last year) then I’d love to hear them.

      Thanks for the visit, likes, comment and follow, and welcome to the crazy world of a lone Book Polygamist.

      *high five through cyber space*


  5. Good question…The Complete Future Shocks is old Alan Moore stuff, very sci fi, some are a bit predictable but there are some cracking stories, The Extraordinary League of Gentlemen has loads of literary references, which is great. Logicomix is something different all about the life of mathmetician and philosopher Bertrand Russell that I enjoyed and an old one Charlie’s War is phenomenal, about a young boy who volunteered to fight in WW I, the illutrations are detailed and it brings out the full horror of that war with regular characters being killed off and enemies shown as human, it is powerful stuff.

    I read Coraline and own Neverwhere but haven’t delved to much into him, although i watched Stardust and the Doctor Who episodes he wrote if that counts? Sandman as a kid, bet that was a mind opener, perhaps it should be standard curriculum reading for kids.


    • Some interesting sounding suggestions – I’ll have to look into them for my challenge.

      I’ve only recently gotten into Gaiman’s work (besides my Sandman childhood education) starting with Good Omens (because he co-wrote it with Terry Pratchett and I had just started reading the Discworld series) which was hilarious – a definite recommendation if you like a good laugh set during an impending apocalypse – and since then I’ve read Coraline, Stardust, American Gods, and Anansi Boys. The best ones were definitely American Gods and Anansi Boys – they have similar themes to The Sandman (mythology, duality etc) but with a bit more humor.

      I don’t know about The Sandman being in curriculum at the age I was when I read Dream Country (about 10) but it would be great for teens – break up the monotony of all those classics.


      • Nothing wrong with the classics,although I wasn’t a fan at school but within a month of leaving I get a hankering, stupid irony.

        I enjoyed the earlier Discworld stuff, but the newer ones aren;t half as wacky, the social observation the latter half of the series is fine but I love the older stuff. Once again a blogger reminds me of how much I haven’t read, despite reading a heck of a lot.


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